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Writer's pictureAndrea

Week 4 Reflection

Updated: Jul 30, 2019

Week four: the final stretch.

A roller coaster of emotions, sadness, excitement, joy, anxiety, and denial.

This last week was packed with things to accomplish in preparation for the final presentations of the research we had been conducting individually. Our days consisted of wrapping up research, meeting with advisers, preparing slide decks, and of course coming to terms with the fact that the program would soon come to an end. Yes, the most difficult part of this week was facing the reality that in less than a week the adventure of the Honor’s Japan Summer 2019 Program would be ending. I will miss not only the program and what I have learned throughout the program but also the people that I was lucky enough to share this experience with.

Monday – It all hit me

I think this was the first day that I was beginning to realize how close to the end we really were. Before I hadn’t put a whole lot of thought to the fact that this adventure was temporary and that we would all be parting ways quite soon. After watching the few clips about the Chicano subculture in Japan and our brief discussion about the topic I had some time to reflect on the topic and what it meant to me. Much like other topics that we had discussed in class I started to think of how this applied to my life and what it meant to me that an identity I held was being imitated by those that were not of a Mexican background. Honestly, I am not exactly sure what I thought about the subject, but one thing was for certain that it is something I would have to spend more time to think about and form a stance on.

A common thing that I found during this program was that I was constantly reflecting on what more I could do and how the issues that we explored in Japan mirrored those back in the U.S.

Tuesday – Art Walk

Our last excursion as the Honors Japan Summer 2019 group and I think it was a great way to close the program that had some of the most creative people I have met. Before arriving at the museum, I was unsure what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised by the beautiful installations I saw. Right from the beginning, it was an experience unlike any other as I walked through the dark hallway only to discover a room full of butterfly and flower projections behind the curtains. Standing in the room with such colorful projections I was overwhelmed by happiness to be sharing this experience with individuals that had begun to mean so much to me. I was amazed by the variation of exhibitions or installments that all had the common thread of technology behind them but mixed the way they used sound and visuals to create such different emotions and feelings.

However, this visit was different from the other museums I visited in Japan especially surrounding the way people interacted with the art. In a typically I have seen people take pictures of the art or admire in silence but at Team Lab people were taking pictures of themselves with the art in the background, perhaps to later post on their social media. Maybe the user experience and interaction between the installations and the individual were considered and a part of the exhibit as many areas in the museum encouraged interaction. The Athletic Forest, for example, had several interactive activities for all ages from rock climbing, trampoline jumping, slides, swinging steps and an area where children could create their own art to display. My entire experience was very futuristic and beautiful I was simply amazed by the way technology was used to create such a fun experience for all ages, truly innovative.

Thursday – Presentations and goodbyes

The day came and I was happy to get the presentation I had been nervous about for so long done. I was very excited and impressed with all the amazing work my peers had done, but soon after I could not believe the program was over. We had done it, together, all that was left was the farewell dinner. Dinner was delicious and I was thankful for having the opportunity to be with everyone once again. After dinner, the tears rolled out along with birthday wishes, dessert, and goodbyes.

Friday – Pokémon, Taxi Ride, and Chaos

Ventured out to Sunshine City to find the Pokémon center, bought some Pokémon, headed back to NYC. Met with Jess and Shandy unexpectedly rode a taxi for nearly an hour, nodded off a couple times, finally arrived at the destination. Dead Wi-Fi, two heavy suitcases, phone at 7%, no room key. I persevered walked to 7-11 with instructions from a neighborhood hero, connected to Wi-Fi and found the number for the Airbnb. Next, walked around the neighborhood for a good 20 minutes looking for a payphone. Found it! Back to 7-11 for Wi-Fi, headed to the family mart key box, video chat with host, acquired key practically ran to Airbnb with suitcases in tow. Carried suitcases to the second floor, oops wrong room? Discovered after some emails that my room had been changed from dorm to private (yay!), shower, Lawson’s, BED.

Saturday – Longest day EVER!

woke up, packed, headed out

Public transportation with two full-sized luggage

Searched for coin lockers in Shibuya

Realized elevators are not easy to find

Saw Kristi

Airport (with Stephanie’s help) on time to depart at 9:55 pm

Arrived home 6:30 pm, still Saturday

Stinky, tired, and hungry

Woohoo! Dad’s birthday party, everyone wants to talk

Oh, bedtime now?

Wait, can’t sleep AHHHH!

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